Don’t Wait, Check the Date!

When is the last time the smoke detectors in your home were checked? According to the U.S. Fire Administration smoke detectors should be replaced every 10 years.

Some alarming statistics on fire alarm importance:

  • Three out of five home fire deaths result from fires in properties without working smoke alarms
  • More than one-third (38 percent) of home fire deaths result from fires in which no smoke alarms are present.
  • The risk of dying in a home fire is cut in half in homes with working smoke alarms.

Source: National Fire Protection Association

Check the manufacturing dates on your fire alarms and call C5 Electric today to schedule a time for our team to replace the old smoke detectors in your home. Ensuring that every bedroom has a smoke detector, there is one outside each separate sleeping area, and one on every level of the home, including basements, is also essential for your family’s safety. Give us a call and sleep better knowing you’re keeping your family safe.

3 Reasons to Always Hire a licensed Electrician

Reason #1. Safety- Electrical work can be dangerous and wiring done incorrectly can lead to hazardous situations. You and your family’s safety is not worth the risk- call a professional who is trained thoroughly in safely regulations.

Reason#2. Prevent Future Headaches- Some people believe by doing the work themselves, they will save on money and expedite their project. The truth is, that when you hire a professional the job will be done right the first time and you will avoid problems down the road. A licensed electrician knows the electrical and building codes to ensure safety and quality of installation.

Reason #3. Protect Your Home- Don’t cut corners when it comes to electrical projects. Faulty wiring, bad outlets, and arching devices/connections generate heat that will melt your wires and lead to a house fire. If your work was not completed by a licensed professional your home owners insurance may not cover the loss. Choose an electrician who is licensed and insured to best protect your home.

Home Office

Are you working from home? Could your home office space use an upgrade? C5 Electric can help with better lighting, more outlets, new circuits and more.

Get rid of those messy extension cords and let us install functional outlets in all of the areas you need them. Let us re-light your work space and brighten your room.

Your work is at risk when breakers are overloaded and tripping causing you to lose power to your computer. Don’t jeopardize your projects, let C5 run a new dedicated circuit for you.

Give us a call and let C5 help to make your home work space more efficient today!

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